Our Story

Purpur Hjertene was established in 2003

Amidst a world filled with uncertainty, a small group of passionate individuals came together with a singular vision—to bring hope to those who needed it most. What started as a modest effort in a small community soon grew into a global movement dedicated to helping people overcome hardships, no matter where they were.

Our Mission

To serve humanity with kindness and unwavering dedication. By 2023, twenty years after its founding, Purpur Hjertene has changed millions of lives.

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Anooshirvan Ghahghahani

Founding Partner

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsicing kengan omeg kohm tokito Professional charity theme based

Sed leo nisl, posuere at molestie ac, suscipit auctor mauris. Etiam quis metus

Make an impact.
Save lives.

Our Causes

Children Education

Without quality education, children face considerable barriers to employment later in life. They are more likely to suffer adverse health outcomes and less likely to participate in decisions that affect them

Raised: $18,500

Goal: $32,000

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Poverty Development

Climate change poses a fundamental risk to poverty and inequality reduction. Nearly 1 in 5 people globally are likely to experience a severe weather shock in their lifetime from which they will struggle to recover.

Raised: $27,600

Goal: $60,000

Donate now
Image Guided Therapy

IGT has already changed the fundamentals of traditional surgery by replacing or complementing direct surface-based visualization with volumetric information.The overall objective of IGT is to improve the efficacy and reduce morbidity.

Raised: $84,600

Goal: $2,000,000

Donate now


Become a volunteer today

About Volunteering

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsicing kengan omeg kohm tokito Professional charity theme based

Latest News

October 12, 2036

By Admin


Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsicing kengan omeg kohm tokito Professional charity theme based on Bootstrap

October 20, 2036

By Admin


Sed leo nisl, posuere at molestie ac, suscipit auctor mauris. Etiam quis metus elementum, tempor risus vel, condimentum orci

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Get in touch

Elham Farhani

HR & Office Manager

Contact Infomation

Mosserødveien 65, 3226 Sandefjord, Norway



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